The Pete and Thomas Foundation, in collaboration with Bread of Life, is dedicated to supporting Houston to protect senior citizens from future emergencies and mass power outages.
Generators have been distributed to senior citizens and their families at this time.
We will have more information available soon.
Submit a service request online with the 311 portal -
Avoid the wait time and install the app:
Office of Emergency Management - Please visit to learn more about what to do during the recovery process.
Remember to take pictures of your storm damage. The damage assessment process is critical to being eligible for Independent Assistance from FEMA. Report all damage to your property to the State of Texas using the iSTAT tool-
Those with insurance should contact their insurance companies before applying for FEMA assistance. FEMA will only cover damages beyond the scope of the property owner's insurance plan.
If you cannot remove debris and "muck & gut" your property yourself, help is available. Contact the Crisis Cleanup hotline at 832-509-2977. Be mindful of scammers who will take advantage of the situation.
Report all scams and fraud to the Texas Attorney General.
How to get help: Anyone who needs a safe place to stay or a meal can find shelter information on, the free Red Cross Emergency app or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767)
Red Cross Emergency App: FREE Emergency app to help you prepare. It is simple to use and lets you customize 40 different weather alerts with fast notifications. It provides step-by-step guides to help you prepare and explains how climate change has impacted each hazard. You can easily find open Red Cross shelters with an interactive map. Choose to use the app in English or Spanish with an easy-to-find language toggle, and full weather alerts in both Spanish and English. The Emergency app is accessible so people with disabilities can use it. Compatible with Apple Watch and Android Wearable devices.
The city continues to support cooling and charging facilities.
The Houston Health Department recommends people without electricity consider delaying storm-debris cleanup until their power is restored to avoid heat-related illnesses. Once power is restored, people can take frequent breaks in their air-conditioned home.
Volunteer to help with disaster and recovery efforts and sign-up:
Volunteer Houston
Food Bank of Houston
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